Here you’ll find the descriptions + investment information of the family sessions I offer!
Take a look, and then fill out the contact form below to book your session!

In-Home Family Session

These sessions are INTENTIONAL and COLLABORATIVE. We will discuss the parts of your day you love the most and what you’re doing when you wish a camera would magically appear in the moment to freeze it. This is where no one is bribed to smile or look at a camera. We’re comfortable in your home, capturing the essence of what it’s like at this turn of your life. The best time for these sessions is in the morning hours between 9am-noon, especially if the kids are under the age of 5/6. You can expect lots of candid photos in this collection, along with a handful of gently posed imagery.

Adventure Session

This is exactly what it sounds like! These sessions are meant to capture an experience you’re having as a family whether it’s spending the day at the lake you love, or heading to a local museum you frequent, or even documenting something like going to pick out and carve your pumpkins in the fall. A lot of families opt to split this session into two parts: one half at a special place, and the other half at home. We can discuss details further to see if we can arrange your vision! Again, a collection of candid and gently posed imagery can be expected! Locations must be within 50 miles of Ann Arbor. If your location is outside of that radius, an additional travel fee will be applied. Let me know in the contact form if that’s the case for you!

Mini Session

These are quick + easy sessions that are perfect for families who are really just looking to update their family photos for home or for their holiday cards at the end of the year. These sessions are ONLY available to families who are local to the Ann Arbor area!

Outdoor Session

These sessions are based in the Ann Arbor area, and the location can be chosen by you or me. Does your family have a special place you like to be together? Do you drive by a place everyday that catches your eye? Have you always wanted photos in the Ann Arbor peony garden or Arboretum? This is the session for you! We will meet someplace we choose together when the light will drench everything in it’s warmth…

Studio Session

I rent time at a local studio in Ann Arbor for those who are interested in a studio vibe for their session. My studio work is very minimal, clean and clear of many props and distractions. These sessions are completely focused on the people in front of me, and are a TERRIBLY FUN time!! If you’ve always thought about studio photography as the photos you took with your family at JCPenny, you may consider re-considering. I love these sessions because of the way they get right to the people. No muss, no fuss. Studio work is what I do the least of so it also challenges me creatively, which always results in really cool outcomes. Because these sessions require me to coordinate booking with the rental studio in advance, please email me directly at to schedule! Pricing varies depending on when you book!

Additional Info

One of my most favorite things to happen in a family session is that extended family gets brought into the mix, and suddenly I’m crying over photos of Grandpa getting his nose tugged on by tiny baby fists. You can invite extended family members into your session for $300!

If you have a vision for photos but don’t see a package that quite fits the bill, please email me directly at so we can discuss further!